The Adventure Starts Tomorrow!

We're all set for tomorrow. Well, mainly. We have all of the gear we're taking with us, we just need to pack it up on the bike.

I have the tank bag from RKA and it seems like it works great on the bike -- though I haven't taken the bike out with it. I have high hopes though.The clothes are all laid out. All the tools are packed up on the bike. The cooking gear is mostly packed. All we have to do is stuff in the clothes, strap on the camping gear, strap on the duffle of a little bit of extras, put on our riding jackets and take off!

Up first: Front Royal, Virginia. This marks the start of Skyline Drive. We'll leave after En gets home from work and drive the roughly five hours to get there. We'll get a hotel room for the first night. That'll mark the end of day one -- the transport day to get us to the start of where we're going.

After that it's heading down south on Skyline Drive and stopping wherever we feel like and going however far we want.

It's a good change from previous trips.


All packed up and ready to go


Camp cookware comparison - MSR vs. Optimus