Wrong address?
There are a bunch of internet domains that get confused with Vec.com.
I’m just a programmer and photographer in Nashville, Tennessee. If you’re looking for something else then you very likely have the wrong email address.
Don’t blame me for that… someone just misled you.
There's a bunch of other domains that regularly get confused with Vec.com pretty often so it might be one of the ones below:
vec.org - Volunteer Energy Cooperative
veco.com - Large-scale construction and engineering
vecinc.com - Virtual Expert Clinics
vec.com.ar - Argentinian electronics distributor
vec.com.br - Brazilian construction
vec.com.vn - Vietnamese Communication Consultants
vec.virginia.gov - Virginia Employment Commission
vec.bc.ca - Vancouver English Center
vantageeye.com - Vantage Eye Center
villageeyecenter.com - Village Eye Center
vec2020.com - Virginia Eye Consultants
vectoronto.com - Veterinary Emergency Clinic in Toronto, Canada