Night three: Galax Virgina

Today was a good day. We got a few drops of rain today, but nothing that soaked us. Driving down the road was amazing. I was worried that the road would be congested like we ran into in Yellowstone. We didn't have that problem at all; for the most part the we didn't have anyone in front of us the whole time. When we did have anyone in front, like RVs or trailers, they were vey courteous and let us pass.The drive, as yesterday, was amazing. The "ridge" aspect of the drive was really brought into focus today as we drove and looked left and right and saw treetops on either side of us.We were going to camp tonight... But we started to see some lightning in the distance. We didn't feel like camping in the rain for the second night in a row so we holed up at the Knight's Inn here in Galax.After a long hunt for beer walking all over the town we came up empty. We thought we got a break with the grocery store. But no beer to be had. I finally broke down and took out the bike and Zumo and found the gas station. The only problem is that the best beer there was Bud. I could get a twelve pack or a three pack of tall boys. The problem wasn't big enough that I didn't buy the tall boys... :-)We heated up some canned beef stew in the room. We broke all the rules of the stove, but no harm, no foul. Washed down with the beer.Life is good.

Location:5th Ave,Galax,United States


Day three - on the road


Liveblogging the ride: Shenandoah Edition