Day 1 - Pictures (and more words)

As I have time to weed though the 1786 pictures I'll be posting the edited results.Day 1: We drove the second-longest leg of our adventure on the first day -- to transport ourselves to the start of Skyline Drive. I took the day off and spent it prepping the bike for our trip. En was nose-to-the-grindstone at work. We left shortly after she came home since everything was already done.

On the first day we started off in Ohio and rode through Pennsylvania (where we stopped for some grub at Quizno's), Maryland (for about two miles) and West Virginia before entering regular Virginia. We holed up for the night at the Quality Inn there and.

We also got the bike drop out of the way in a rest area we well. As we stopped my right foot landed on a plastic cup. The cup against the pavement was a slick as ice. Needless to say we elegantly set the bike down on it's right side. It was tired and wanted a nap. No damage to anything at all beyond a scuff to the corner of the pannier that isn't even noticeable. The engine guard I got for Christmas also worked great -- I would need to buff out the OEM cylinder head guard without it!

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Day 1: Map


The trip: By the numbers