
Ok, so I wasn't in one. It was a team building exercise.I do have to say I "Kickass!" As does my ass kicking team! :-PWhy? Well, because we did better than any other team, and we named out team Kickass! So there.No, I won't give away the details since I was asked not to. But that's OK. I've read enough survival books to know the general ordering of things though.

  1. Figure out what will kill you. Don't do that.
  2. What do you need to survive. Do that.
  3. Iterate until you are out of options.

No, I didn't cheat. I read lot's of books.When we first got the books labeled "Earthquake" I immediately figured out what I would need: water and a gun. LOLz. And maybe a ham radio tuned to a local repeater.:-)


On my way back to Cleveland


All day meeting today