NaNo Shirt

No, not a really tiny shirt. The NaNoWriMo winner shirt.I thought I missed it. After "winning" I had five days to order a shirt -- until December 5th.While hemming and hawing about what shirt to get Ennie I let the deadline slip past. I had the shirt in my shopping cart and went to lunch on Monday the 6th. When I came back to work I checked to see what alternatives were in stock for En.The shopping cart complained that something was messed up.The shirt was out of stock.Vader-nooooooooo.All that time -- and no shirt to prove I did it.Ok, so I have a two-inch stack of paper that has words that I think I wrote. I looked at it a bit last weekend to see if I could start the editing process on it. I wrote this? Most of the words I don't even remember. I remember a few of the key scenes, but honestly I'm surprised about it.I didn't think I was that drunk.Anyway... today the shirt was back in stock again. I ordered like I've never ordered before. Ok, I just lied. I order like that from Amazon all the time. Just ask the UPS guy.But I have a shirt on the way -- and a poster and other stuff.I like stuff.The poster will look nice in my office.


MacBook screen: Fixed

