Goals, dreams and wishes - Part 1

I think I have a new goal to shoot for. A stretch goal to be sure.One of the things I've always wanted to do was run in a proper endurance race. If I had to take my pick I'd probably pick Le Mans. The problem is that it takes a ton on money (quite literally) to run it. Not only that but you need to get invited to participate in it.A dream that you don't do anything about is merely a wish. As much as I wish to be president (ok, so I don't, but bear with me) I'm not going to win an election unless I get off my butt and run for some office first. Wishes work well for genies, but not in most normal situations.I lump some other things into with wish bucket as well. Take winning the lottery. Pretend for a moment that I played the lottery. Not only is the chance of me winning so slim, but I don't really have a say in the outcome either -- it's pure chance.So, in a nutshell, a dream that can't be realized without an act of god is nothing more than a wish.I found this in the men's room at work. (Seriously)Ok. Missing the urinal is a fail in this case.But the message held within the corporate art is true.Except in the bathroom. Nothing beats in miss but a mop in that case.In real life the effort counts more than the result in so many cases.If wishes were horses beggars would ride.Continued tomorrow...


Goals, dreams and wishes - Part 2


W8DFL QSL Cards - 1/10/2011