Cable Termination: PL-259 onto LMR-400 Coax

I have a radio. I have antennas. The next issue is to connect them up to each other.I purchased some Times Microwave LMR-400 from AES up in Euclid. Over lunch I became the proud owner of 75 feet of the stuff.The issue is that to save money I got the cable unterminated. Yes, I'm a cheapskate. I got the cable and five Amphenol PL-259 connectors. I only really need two of them, but I planned ahead. I planned ahead to screw up!It turns out that it's not hard at all! :-DSo here's the steps:

  1. Strip 3/4" down to the center conductor.
  2. Remove 5/16" of the outer insulator.
    1. I found it easy to make a slice around the cable, then slice it open and peel it off.
    2. Slicing and pulling just seemed hard and led to fraying the shield
  3. Tin the shield and center with a bit of solder
  4. Make sure you put the outer part on!
  5. Screw on the inner part onto the cable
  6. Solder the four holes to the shield
  7. Solder the inner connector to the center pin
  8. Screw the outer part over the inter part

If you skip step 4, you won't be able to actually connect things up![smugmug url="" imagecount="100" start="1" num="100" thumbsize="Th" link="lightbox" captions="false" sort="true" window="true" smugmug="true" size="L"]Excuse the shredded-looking outer insulation... with the short cable I didn't have enough to hold onto. It didn't look like that before.


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