W8DFL QSL Cards - 3/7/2011
Today's batch consists primarily of Switzerland and Italy with a bit of variety thrown into the middle.I'm going to start with my favorite:I'm sure you can guess why it's my favorite. ;-) I'm just wondering what I1DEP is doing creeping around by the back of the car. Perv. (It might be I1DEF, it's hard to see) You have to zoom into the original 600 DPI scan to really make him out.
There's a bit of religion in here as well with HR8SM's card:
and then:
The latter isn't a QSL card, but it's referring to the the Voice of the Vatican in Vatican City inside of Rome. HV3SJ was a way to disseminate info the the far flung Jesuits around the world until communication was a bit better with phone and eventually the internet.Back to Switzerland -- I'm astonished that none of the QSLs used the omnipresent Helvetica that sprouted from there back in 1957. HB9IK's card came the closest, but it's only a variant of a Swiss font, not a true Helevetica.
It does capture the classic Swiss minimalism though.[smugmug url="http://photos.vec.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=16101225_BnHFt&format=rss200" imagecount="100" start="1" num="100" thumbsize="Th" link="lightbox" captions="false" sort="true" window="true" smugmug="true" size="L"]By the numbers:
HB9AEB Switzerland 7/22/1969 20 SSBHB9AET Switzerland Not filled outHB9ALX Switzerland 2/10/1970 10 SSBHB9DT Switzerland 2/5/1960 10 FoneHB9IK Switzerland 11/22/1958 10 FoneHE9EVG Switzerland 2/26/1960 10 FoneHE9HUC Switzerland 4/3/1972 15 Fone? SWLHP1AC Panama 1/24/1959 10 FoneHP1RCP Panama 3/5/1972 10 SSBHR1BG Honduras 1/4/1962 10 FoneHR8SM Honduras 1/23/1960 10 FoneHV3SJ Vatican City Doesn't seem to be QSL?I1AYP Italy 3/12/1950 10 FoneI1BH Italy 2/6/1971 15 FoneI1CGV Italy 10/23/1959 10 FoneI1FTU WN8OLT Italy 9/18/1970 15 AMI1ZIE Italy 10/25/1959 10 FoneI1ZWY Italy 10/10/1959 10 FoneI1ZX Italy 4/20/1960 10 FoneIR0KRP Italy 3/6/1971 15 SSB