Battery + George = Epic Fail
My bike needs a new battery. I thought I'd be all cool and get a higher capacity one that was recommended by some forums: the Odyssey PC-535.I needed to fabricate a new strap since the OEM one would've been too small.
$5.00 of materials.I needed to re-route cables. I fucked up my Leatherman in the process.$110.00 to replace.Then when it came to hooking it up the screws on the terminals were a bit short.I wound up stripping the threads. $150 battery is toast. There's not enough thread to even get the bike's main lead connected up.
At this point I still don't have a working battery. I started the bike once.At least I didn't bugger up the original strap.I'm almost $300 in on this experiment. What a failure.I broke some CDs I had lying around to vent my frustration.
Free.Tomorrow, I'll buy the specified battery and call it a day.Lesson to be learned: Don't force things. I knew that already, but I guess the universe wanted me to really learn.Total for new battery once I get it in: $400. :-(