I need to start hanging some wire soon

There seems to be a lot more ham radio stuff out here in the Seattle area. Plenty of repeaters on 2m and 70cm, with a bunch more D-Star ones too.At this point I have the radio sitting in the basement along with a pair of antennas in the shed. My guess is that I'll be able to get the 6m/2m/70cm antenna up on the roof without too much trouble... the big one likely won't fit really unless I take up the entire back yard with it. I guess if I really feel the need I could bang in an extension and use longer guys.Hmmm...If not that I can string up an end-fed zepp or something.We shall see.  :-)

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 Good thing is that this might get me in better with the neighborhood: good emergency communication. All I need is a generator and I'll have some good em-comm. hehe...73's!


Armstrong... Worth it?

