Amanda Fucking Palmer!
This was an epic show! Four hours of a mix of amazing musicians playing a variety of instruments... sometimes switching instruments mid song with a bit of comedy thrown in.
Well, first off, if you don't know who Amanda Palmer is you're missing out. Her music is a blur of hard rock, cabaret punk, darkness and light, performance art, and multimedia presentation (with a local flair!). She doesn't fit into a nice bucket.We started off with a nice bass guitar and string mix by Jherek Bischoff with some nice thumpy beats. Next up was a guitar keyboard jam by Chad Raines and one of the violinists and someone else I don't know. Another couple of songs by Ronald Reagan, Boston's Premier 80's Pop Saxophone Duo.
Most of the songs were off the new album, as expected, with a couple off of her first album. Astronaut in the middle of the show and Leeds United in the second encore.The stage dive (above) was way cool with the drapy trane of the dress flowing over everyone in the crowd. All of us under the same tent.Just look and browse over at my smugmug site![smugmug url="" imagecount="100" start="1" num="100" thumbsize="Th" link="smugmug-lightbox" captions="false" sort="false" window="true" smugmug="true" size="L"]
This was one of the best and most innovative shows I've seen.