Coming Out Day - Issue 74

First off, I'm not gay... I'm mostly straight. On the Kinsey Scale I'm probably a one or two... I round to straight anyway. This isn't really shocking since very few are at either end of this scale... I round up to straight.So, what is this about?I guess this is going to be about Washington Issue 74 -- the issue to extend the right to marriage to all of Washington's citizens. To say that two people that love each other can't get married is limiting someone's rights.Why is that?The only reason that I've heard is "Well, God say's 'No!'"Ok, your god can say no.Well, that's all well and good... except for the fact that this is not a religious state. We have a little thing called separation of church and state. Just because your God says something doesn't mean that I'm on board. My god^H^H^H^H beliefs do not mesh with your's. I am not telling you to get gay married.It boils down to the people in the middle of all this. The people who can't visit loved ones in hospitals. The people who lose houses over this. People like you and me.


Troubleshooting a door bell


The trainer... still not together.