Voting, Redux

Tomorrow is the election. I voted a week or two ago.It's strange living in Washington. We're not a swing state. Obama is going to take the state. It's a foregone conclusion. We don't get calls. We don't get ads. We're just off to the left.Over here I filled out my ballot sitting at my dining room table and stuck a stamp on it and off it went into the mail. $0.45 later and I've done my part.Ohio, on the other hand, is making things as hard as possible to vote.Voting is the cornerstone on which our democracy is built upon. To work to remove the right to vote is a travesty to everything that America stands for. But that is exactly what some Republicans are doing now. My parents left Soviet Europe to escape from the "you can vote for anyone you want as long as it's this guy." This is not America. This is not the America that I grew up in.Voting certainly is about politics, but it should not itself be politicized. That is wrong. That is about as wrong as wrong can get.


Vote, over

