Leak under the porch
I was cleaning the basement today and wanted to throw some stuff in the spare space under the porch. You know, things I don't really use all the time like power tools. (If I need to get a step-stool to get to the router (wood router, not Ethernet) then I'm still cool)I got under there and noticed a drop hit me. Looking around I noticed a bit of splashiness around. From the joists above me I saw some drips.It turns out the wood above me was exactly the same wood I walk on when I'm on the front porch. :-/For a few moments I thought about what it would take to seal the planks of the porch. The more I thought about it the worse an idea it seemed. It's playing a losing battle with gravity.Off to Home Depot.Look: it's Husky! Go UW! :-D
Now the space I'm talking about is a 7 x 10' crawl space. I don't need or expect it to be temperature controlled, but I would rather not have things get actively wet.
My plan: Cut out a 7 x 10' piece of the sheeting and staple it to the joists up there. Loosely. I don't want to make this a complete sealed moisture barrier; I want to control the drips and let them dry out. If I seal things completely I'll just get rotten wood. Not good.I'll let you know how it turns out...