Savage Love Live
This is a Valentine's Day part 2 in many ways.So, for the second year in a row we went to Savage Love Live on Valentine's Day. This is the third one of these and the second on Valentine's Day if I recall correctly.The theme of the last one was singles. The invitation went out to all the dateless last year. En and I were scofflaws and showed up anyway. This time around was "death."
The featured guest was Caitlin Doughty, of Order of the Good Death and Ask A Mortician fame. Joining her was comedian Kristine Levine who's been on Portlandia.
I would recommend that anyone go to one of these if you can. It's a blast! We even got a cool parting gift! A scary one at that...
Well... maybe not that scary...
It is Valentine's Day after all. ;-)If you listen to next week's podcast I'm sure you can catch all the good parts!