2013 Taxes

Taxes have never been a favorite thing for me. I'd been sensitized to them when I was in Cleveland I always wound up needing to pay a bit at the end. Ever since I've been here in Seattle I've gotten a bit back at the end.It's another thing to add on the list of things that I love about Seattle -- and Washington in general. We don't have state or local taxes here. We, of course, have the same federal taxes like everyone else, but it does simplify things a bit to not need to worry about extra tax forms.So, the first draft of 2013 taxes are done, and I'm getting a bit back. Nothing life changing or anything, but enough to make me smile a bit.As an added bonus, there's a program going on where you can get your return in Amazon gift cards -- and TurboTax adds on another 10% on the top! Win! Who's going to argue with another $130 of gift cards?  :-)


Cheaper? Expensive?


Sivaji The Boss