Cookie Clicker


Last week my boss, in the process of looking for HTML5 games, mentioned the cookie clicker game.That's kind of how it starts.You have a cookie. And you click it to get more cookies.It seems simple. It really does.Then it gets more complex. Then it gets dark. Than it's strange again. Then really dark.It's a cookie.But it draws you in like a lamp does a fly.Because, well, who doesn't like cookies.

- = -

Ok, so you think it's an easy game. It is mostly. But at the same time it has a cult following and a wiki that's devoted to strategy for the game. Yes, I know it sounds dumb, but somehow it really is kind of cool. And, by the way, as I write this I'm making 722 billion cookies a second.


Try and try again... then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.


WordPress on Amazon EC2 – Part 11– Care and feeding (backups mainly)