Transitioning to LEDs

When we moved into the house in Solon the only real technology for lighting was the standard incandescent bulb and fluorescent tubes. That was back in '99.A few years in we got a pair of the newfangled compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs to flank our front door since we kept that on a bunch.As the years went by we got more and more of the CFLs to replace the regular bulbs.The first bulbs were pretty good. As time went on there seemed to be a race to the bottom in terms of quality. The original bulbs we had installed by the front door were still there when we sold the house after nine or ten years was still there burning bright.The rest of the lights we installed really tended to suck. They would burn out or generally take a long time to get up to brightness, burn out, or something. It was saving energy, but it rather was a let-down.Time passes. CFLs were discarded and replaced. We moved from Cleveland to Seattle leaving the Sylvania bulbs shining by the front door.In Seattle we arrived at the house in 83rd to another house with mostly incandescent bulbs with a smattering of CFLs. Oddly, of the bulbs that were burned out were CFLs. There goes the theory that they have long life -- at least the new ones. In the new house we installed a few CFLs, but we quickly moved to LEDs. No more warm up. Completely solid state and no vacuum. No mercury. Real long life. Up until this week we managed to get around 3/4 of the way through the replacement backlog.Today we basically completed the process. Other than a few bulbs we've ordered all of the normal lights in our house are now LEDs. We can finally bid adieu to the green cast brought on by the fluorescent lights. Granted, it was sort of spendy to finally replace all of the bulbs... but we're in a better, brighter (and hopefully cheaper) place now.


Take off!


Absurd commentary