
Something that I struggle with is keeping focused on a single project. Or even a couple.The problem I run into with myself is that I'm interested in too many things. Not only am I interested in these things, but they're things I can do.I could, for instance, be interested in singing or dancing but there's no way I would be able to get good at them. At best I could get not embarrassing, but that's no high praise.I guess most of what I love to do involves making. And most of that is out-and-out creation. There are some outliers, like motorcycling. But most of it is a pretty solitary affair.The problem, like I was saying, is that it's hard to focus on one of them. Which leads me to focus on all of them. Which leads me to focus on none of them. We were watching a documentary about indie game makers today. What struck me was the sheer singleminded devotion they have for their craft. I look at myself and I don't see that and I'm disappointed.

Jack of all trades.

Master of none.



