More USB design change options

As I'm working through the design options for the USB charge controller and I keep spinning new options on how I can and should build it.I started off with bunches of components. Way back when I was really starting to get into how to control the USB charging features manually. Senselessly for the most part.Then I went to running the USB off TI charge controllers and an NXP I2C IO expander. The NXP part is $3.95 each. On top of that I was planning on a couple of ADCs running a $5-7 each.As I was going through the options I started looking at the MSP430FR6989. This can, in theory at least, replace the lot of it. This part comes with the 16 channels of ADC, plus it has enough GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) to handle everything I need and then some. Sure, it's a little more expensive weighing in at $8 or so in the quantities I'm looking at, but I'm saving around $17-20 of other parts with that switch.Now, to figure out if I can spin this on a 2-layer board... 4-layer would be easy as pie... but 2? Let's find out! :-D


Hot air rework (Low tech)


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