Pride of Authorship

I was watching a YouTube video today... the end there was a comment on "pride of authorship."There's something about that. It's not looking strictly at the metrics of the code -- you know the testing, the code coverage, all that crap. It's the pride of knowing that the code is as good as you can get it.When I'm submitting a code review I review it myself first. I want what gets out there to reflect me as the programmer that wrote that code. I want to be the reviewer.

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I've also been on the flip side. When I wrote code and got back to it a few years later. Looking at code and thinking "what fucktard wrote this dreck." Oh, that fucktard is me.  :-/  It's a learning experience.

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I suppose that's why I have trouble finishing projects on my own... polishing the turd.  ;-)


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