Buy Nothing -- Lots of stuff gone!
If you've never heard of something called "Buy Nothing" you might want to check it out. It's like a Goodwill, but without money changing hands and hyper-local. Last weekend as we were waiting for the Super Bowl to start up we decided clean up a large chunk of the family room.There were piles of stuff that we were looking for some way to get rid of them. We don't like to simply throw things away; the world has too much in the landfill already.I posted almost ten items up on the local Facebook group and within a few hours, all except one thing was spoken for.Things like a load of compact fluorescent lights for instance. We had amassed these over time, but ever since we've moved to all LED fixtures, there's not a chance that I'll use these for anything.Even a mousepad was picked up!
Now these things aren't in a landfill and they are at the same time out of my house. Even more of a bonus, someone is getting a use out of them!