Then there were three


First there was Spin -- the Orange bike. About a week later LimeBike joined the bandwagon. Yesterday, Ofo piled themselves onto the party.

Seattle now has three dockless bikeshare services! Each of them, at this moment, can have 1000 bikes in the city. In a couple of months, there will be no limit. I've even heard rumors of a fourth company adding themselves into the mix.

This is a huge shift from Pronto, the previous service which failed, got bailed out by the city, then failed again. The problem was they were tied to "docks" that you had to return them to. Of course that meant that you had to walk a bunch after getting to your destination, which kind of defeats the purpose of the bike. It was never implemented outside the downtown core and UW so we never had the opportunity to use them up here in Greenwood.

Pronto was also more expensive -- $8 for a day if memory serves. The new bikes are $1 for 30 minutes for Spin and LimeBike or one hour for Ofo.

Already I'm seeing the Limebikes all over -- including up by me. It's exciting to have a new option to get places. Options that seem a bit better than the bus.


Step one: complete - On location

