
Today was a good day.En was working on Fremont Arts Council stuff. I was going to get together with Jackie later for drinks and a bit of Christmas festivities. I had the day to myself. And today in Seattle was a spectacular one indeed.Starting off I rolled some Delta 100 onto some film cassettes since the sun was out in rare form so near the solstice. I had a half-shot roll already lodged in the M7. Walking out I grabbed another couple of rolls of Delta 400 in case I needed them.An Uber-ride down to the Market later and I was off.For around four hours I did nothing but wander. Finish the roll in the camera. Another. A third.I accidentally got the moment of a proposal on the waterfront--right as the ring box was being opened. I got a few more shots of them afterward too; I'll email them the scans when I've scanned them in.A fourth roll, a fresh 400, was loaded as the sun was getting lower in the sky.I turned onto Post Alley. Pausing. Smiling. Becoming aware of the smile. Realized that I was having more fun than I've had in a long while.Just me and a camera.Shooting.Love.❤️


Christmas Eve Eve

