Ponderings on Religion

I was having a conversation with En this evening that started to veer into some religiousness. Her contention was that if you only do good things because of a fear of damnation, then it’s doesn’t count.

It may not count to God. But who am I to say.

I would rather have someone do something good out of fear, than someone do something bad out of indifference or hate.

What matters when you get down to brass tacks is the outward physical actions of individuals. Their inner monologue doesn’t really make a difference to how society works. If your relation to a diety is what makes you play well with the rest of the world, then good for you.

Of course, I would rather have people be good for the sake of goodness. But given the choice, I’m perfectly fine with them operating from fear as well. In the end, it’s all the same to me.


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