
I mentioned this yesterday a bit, but the past month was the longest that I’ve not even written a line of code in my life I think. Over a month. It feels kind of crazy.

I am a programmer. But I think the past month let me explore being something else as well. In my case most of my efforts were aimed at woodworking. I built maybe 95% of the arcade cabinet while I wasn’t “working.” I’ll do another post on that front later… but I can say I’m very proud of the end result so far. I used other designs as inspiration and to get some basic starting points in terms of “how high should the controls be?” or “what’s the slope of the display?” But everything is designed by me, and cut to fit my vision.

Any case…

Over the past couple of years, I made some, in my opinion, pretty cool Go libraries. The big ones are go-ctxdep and go-quickgraph. Ctxdep is a neat dependency management framework that is lightweight and easy to use. Quickgraph is a complete code-first implementation of GraphQL in Go. There are a few more libraries that I popped out as well. I’ll make some posts on each of these in the coming weeks.

But I think much of my future efforts are going to be going back to Java now that I have a new position at my (former, I suppose) parent company, Travelport. My new digs are going to be Java. Not my fave, but it’s what it’s.

I’ve always described myself as a “programmer.” I still do… but I think I have more things too.


