20103! I'm getting there!

I'm 40% through the novel at this point. I still don't have a title for it though.I keep getting asked "what's it about?"I'll try to describe it. It falls into the category of genre fiction. The genre in this case is a thriller/mystery.The characters are pretty normal people living in Salt Lake City, UT. (Not giving anything away. This is in Chapter 2) A mystery phone call on a Sunday night at 2AM gets the ball rolling.It involves a drug company (pharmaceuticals) that one of the main characters works at. The main character if Francis. He's a random process engineer working there.And he's a blogger.I'll leave it at that for now. Maybe after editing I'll print up a few copies for some folks to read.BTW: I actually like where this is going. I'm getting excited to see how this is going to end!


Random: Brass sorting tip


401(k) dreams