
The role of jealousy has a recurring role in the human condition. Of wanting not what you don't have but rather what someone else has.Wanting more, purely for the sake of it, is nothing more than greed. There's a lot that can be written about greed, but I'm done talking politics for the time being. *rimshot*(Premature apologies to using the old gender-neutral male pronoun. If you can't deal I'm sorry. I don't feel like contorting my sentences at the moment. Maybe some other day. Maybe tomorrow...)Why is it that we humans want what the next guy has? Is it because he has what we don't? Is it because if we take it from him we're better? Because if we take it from him and somehow spoil it at least he's down to my own level? So many options. So many options leading to hate.Why?Why can we not look at him and what he has and his happiness and smile and hope for that for ourselves? Have the courage to ask how he got there. Have the drive to get it yourself. Have the sincerity to enjoy all that you have around you, and be gracious for all that may experience in the future.Look not to have what he has, but to be, to experience what he is experiencing. Strive not to knock him down, but to help raise him higher. Reach for him not to pull him down, but to pull yourself up.

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Going through life it's interesting sometime to merely look around. Look at where you are. Look at the people around you. Take the time to experience it.Let us all look at what happens around and smile at it all. Even if you are not involved, be happy for the ones who are. Support them. Hope for support yourself. Look at your friends and see yourself there, not your friends where you are now.

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The opposite of jealousy is compersion.

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Frubbly thoughts to all who are having fun right this second! Try to be the ally to those around you. Support the fun. Support your friends. Support yourself. Look up. Go up. Be yourself. Be all of yourself. Expect nothing less. Expect nothing less of yourself.

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iPad 4 Unboxing


Teardown Tuesday: Fluke 87-5 (versus a cheap turd)