iPad 4 Unboxing
About a month ago En asked for a case for her iPad. At the time her iPad was the original iPad. It was getting pretty long in tooth to tell you the truth. Slow. Multitasking was damn near out of the question. Even the keyboard was slow.Coincidentally Apple had just announced the new iPad. The official name is iPad (late 2012) but that's a mouthful. I'll call it the iPad 4 like everyone else.I figured it wasn't worth adding any money to the old iPad so I ordered a new one the day preorders were first taken. It shipped on Sunday direct from China and it showed up at work today.The box was pretty beat up. I didn't have a chance to open it up until I got home from work.Thankfully the contents were well protected.
It's the same as the iPad 3...
...except for the lightning port...
I don't have any real first impressions yet since it's only been in my hands for an hour or so. I can't complain yet.
It comes packed with a lightning cable and a charger. The cool thing is the charger is now a 12W version and it's the same size as the old 10W one. Cool!I'll update with impressions after I've used it a bit more.So far, so good![smugmug url="http://photos.vec.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=26547751_PS4RRG&format=rss200" imagecount="100" start="1" num="100" thumbsize="Th" link="smugmug-lightbox" captions="false" sort="false" window="true" smugmug="true" size="L"]