Härry Bōlz

I made a realization today. I have a fairly easy time of putting people in multiple buckets at once. I have no issue thinking someone is awkward, but funny at the same time — as is the case with Elon Musk.

Yes, he’s awkward. He advanced the state of the art with electric cars. He himself is an… odd… designer (see also: Cybertruck). From watching interviews with him, he’s also completely in tune with the engineering of his rockets. In an effort of transparency, I also 100% agree with his actions on DOGE. And no, he didn’t do a Nazi salute. See: awkward.

But this also works in other ways. I’ve worked with and respected people who are smart and assholes.

You can be both.

Just because there’s something about you that I might not like, I can still interact with you.

But I gotta say, Härry Bōlz is an amazing troll. The 13-year-old in me completely agrees.

I just wish I had as few fucks to give.


Rabbit Holes


Game of Life