AI and Winning

I’m sure everyone’s used something like ChatGPT or Claude or something similar by now.

You know the drill: you give it a prompt, and something comes back with hopefully what you asked for. How good what came back is debateable, but I think it’s safe to say that it’s gotten increasing good as time and models improve.

The last bit is important. It’s getting better.

You need to have something that separates you from an AI. Being the actual “I” in there.

If all you do at work is receive instructions, then dutifully carry them out… how are you better than the AI that’s about to take your job?

What do we bring to the table? Sometimes you have to push back. Sometimes you have to engage your brain and figure if there’s a better way to do things. Simply responding to prompts is a great way to not have a job in the near future.


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